Tuesday, February 14, 2012

tips for overcoming temptation

I've had some trouble with cravings today, but I have not given in!!!!!!  I noticed that there didn't seem to be near as many treats at work as I expected on Valentine's Day.  Perhaps this is due to the fit challenge.  I don't really care why - I just know that it made my day easier!  I saw a few cupcakes, which made me long for sugar.  I immediately stopped those thoughts in their tracks by reminding myself that it just isn't worth it.  A few minutes of pleasure isn't worth the pain.

A tip I read in a book recently said to "play the tape to the end".  (Anyone remember tapes?  Wow.  that seems so long ago.)  This means that rather than focusing on how good something will taste, and how good it might make you feel temporarily, it is best to remember how you will feel after eating it.  Another recommendation I've read is that when you first have a craving, immediately tell yourself that you will not succumb to the temptation.  As soon as you begin that "should I or shouldn't I" conversation in your head, your chances of giving in and eating the food increase exponentially.

Along with that idea, it was mentioned that you should have certain rules in place.  Apparently our brain responds better to rules than vague thoughts.  For example, if craving ice cream your thought process could be "I don't eat sugar" rather than "I shouldn't eat ice cream because it's bad for me."  Not sure what I think about this particular recommendation yet.  Any thoughts?


  1. I love the "play the tape to the end" concept. I hope you don't mind if I mention your post on my blog. This is good information.

  2. Please feel free to mention it. I've read quite a few books recently about eating disorders, sugar addiction, etc. so I'm not certain which book it was in. I believe it may have been in "The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite"

  3. Good post & analogy ... I saw your link on Myra's blog!

  4. I agree. I can joke about food being good food and bad food but the voice in my head never uses those terms anymore because they did not work.

    That ice cream looks delicious. I don't eat sugar. I don't eat milkfat. I am so glad I know my boundaries because they are defined. There is no but.

    Most importantly, I never "deserve" to treat myself to food that hurts me.
