Thursday, October 25, 2012

new day, fresh start

Dear Diary,

Today I will remain binge free.  The debit card will remain at home when I go to work so that I don't have the means to by binge foods.

Dear God,

Grant me the willingness to eat healthy and make healthy choices.  Be my strength today, because your strength is much stronger than my compulsive overeating issues.  Amen


  1. This is a good idea- it helped when i did my shopping ban a few years back. It's all worth trying.

  2. where have you been????? I miss reading your blogs. Hope everything is OK with you.

  3. Hi Melanie, just stopping by to say hello.
    I hope you are doing well.

  4. Every day and every minute is a new opportunity to make the right choices. This is what I keep telling myself. :)
