Sunday, April 24, 2011

tough food day

My day started ok.  I ate oatmeal with raisins for breakfast.  I decided to skip the breakfast at church to avoid temptation.  I ate a light lunch since I knew that we were having dinner at my sister's at 4:00 p.m.

The afternoon didn't go as well as I would have liked.  I wouldn't necessarily classify what I did as a binge, but I ate stuff that I definitely should not have.  I ate two Little Debbie brownies (no, I don't keep them in the house.  my husband occasionally has a "secret stash", and I found them). Then I ate one of the chocolate "nests" that I made to take to my sisters.  Of course this large amount of sugar had to be followed by something salty, so I ate a couple of handfuls of Chex Mix and peanuts.

As I was eating this junk, I began the old unwise thought process.  "Well, since I've blown it I should go to Kroger tomorrow after work and either buy the home made chocolate/peanut butter egg that I saw yesterday, or I should buy a six pack of Reese's eggs and eat them!!".  Nope.  Not gonna do it.

I did ok at dinner, I guess.  I ate many things that are not currently part of my healthy eating plan.  Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, a biscuit with butter.  With the exception of the mac & cheese (my sister makes the best EVER) I ate small portions.  The only sweet thing I ate was some "fluffy" fruit salad that includes Cool Whip and sour cream.

Overall, I was content with dinner.  I didn't eat until I was stuffed or felt sick.  I did eat things that I shouldn't eat on a regular basis, but I ate them in fairly small quantities and these aren't really "trigger foods".

A few minutes ago, I found my husbands chocolate stash and ate a few pieces.  Between this and my minor binge earlier, I'm not really happy with my day.

I will not dwell on any of this and use it is an excuse to continue.  As of this minute, I am back to my healthy eating plan.  I think that a quote from Roni's blog ( sort of fits here:

It’s not what we do occasionally that makes the difference. It’s what we do consistently.

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